Articles under City of Miami

The Best Hair Studio in Miami Florida

Posted on October 18, 2018 Categories: City of Miami,

The Best Hair Studio in Miami Florida Hairdresser is a company engaged in the provision of services for the population of hair care (haircut, perm, creating hairstyles, coloring, highlighting and other types of work with dyes, hair cutting, shaving and beard trimming and mustaches, etc.) equipped specifically for this indoors. As a rule, the following types of services are additionally provided to hairdressers: manicure, pedicure, cosmetic services and make-up artist services. What Read More

Hair Studio Miami

Posted on October 15, 2018 Categories: City of Miami,

Hair Studio Miami Hairdresser (feminine hairdresser) is the term used to refer to the specialized craftsman for the elaborate hairstyle and hairstyle of the hair. The term is used in particular for the female hair, but sometimes also male. History Ancient Rome Hairstyles in ancient Rome. Already near the ancient Rome, the Roman ladies used for their toilets basins, mirrors of copper, silver or glass covered with lead and, if rich, they Read More

Best hair studio in Miami Fl

Posted on October 13, 2018 Categories: City of Miami,

Best hair studio in Miami Fl Hairdresser Hairdresser in action. A hairdresser is a person trained to cut and maintain the hair. She can work in a hairdressing salon, at home or at her client. The types of hairstyles, techniques and tools used are numerous and vary according to the mandate given to the hairdresser. The hairdresser must have good physical strength because he stays up all day. He must also have Read More

Best Haircut in Miami Fl

Posted on August 15, 2018 Categories: City of Miami,

Best Haircut in Miami Fl Haircut The hair (from the Latin capĭllus) is each of the hairs that grow on the scalp (upper part of the head of the human body). There are an average of 150,000 hair strands in an adult person and grow on average 1 cm per month. They are distinguished from common hairs by their very high concentration per area of ​​skin and development in length. They can Read More

Best Hairdresser in Miami Fl

Posted on August 8, 2018 Categories: City of Miami,

Best Hairdresser in Miami Fl Hairdresser Hairdresser or barber is a professional category that works with human hair and beard, making several changes to them, such as cut or coloring. In some places, the term “hairdressing” usually is applied especially for professionals who take care of the hair of the women. These professionals use various utensils and tools for capillary and beard manipulation, highlighting: scissors, razors, combs, covers and cutting and finishing Read More